Wordbrit > WordBrit’s Actions

WorldBrit's Actions

WorldBrit’s mission is to enable any Jew to have their Brith Milah

Allow every Jew to enter the covenant

To give you the merit of being Sandak

Send Mohalim around the world

WorldBrit has also made it their mission to send Mohalim (circumcisers) around the world for anyone who needs to perform a Brith Milah on an infant, child, or adult. Very often, people are in remote areas without any community or even in regions devoid of any Jewish presence… Thus, we have had the merit of performing Brith Milot in rather unusual locations :


Besoin d'une Brit Mila ?

Pour vous, pour un proche, pour un bébé de huit jours ou pour un adulte, contactez WordlBrit pour faire venir un Mohel n’importe où dans le globe

Need a Brith Milah ?

For yourself, a loved one, an eight-day-old baby or an adult, contact WordlBrit to bring a Mohel anywhere in the world.

💬 Besoin d'aide ?
WorldBrit - Association
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