Wordbrit > WordBrit’s Actions
WorldBrit's Actions
WorldBrit’s mission is to enable any Jew to have their Brith Milah
Allow every Jew to enter the covenant
- Infants, adolescents, or adults
- Travel possible in all countries
- Brith Milah performed in a secure hospital environment
To give you the merit of being Sandak
- Finance their Brith Milah
- Have the merit of saving them from assimilation
- Segoula for Parnasse and Tikun Habrith !
Send Mohalim around the world
WorldBrit has also made it their mission to send Mohalim (circumcisers) around the world for anyone who needs to perform a Brith Milah on an infant, child, or adult. Very often, people are in remote areas without any community or even in regions devoid of any Jewish presence…
Thus, we have had the merit of performing Brith Milot in rather unusual locations :
"I finally feel like myself, rediscovering my true identity…"
Nicolas 24 years old
"It's like breaking the chains of a burden I've been carrying for so many years…"
Valentine32 years old
"Life before and after Brith Milah is not the same. It's a real liberation…"
Michael 43 years old
"How much I regret not having done it sooner, it's so powerful..."
Philip 28 years old
"How could I have realized that such a benign procedure could change my inner feelings so much ?!…"
Matthew 24 years old