WorldBrit News

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You can save a Jew from assimilation by helping him to join the Alliance !...

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The Mila’ Mitsva for an adult (french) – Kountrass 256 – 2022

Article ActuJ for WorldBrit (french) – october 2015

Article ActuJ Nice for WorldBrit (french) – may 2015

Making a Brit Mila

Anywhere in the world, for you or a loved one, at any age, WorldBrit sends you a Mohel.

Helping a Jew

Give one of our Jewish brothers a chance to enter the Covenant by supporting his Brit Mila.

Besoin d'une Brit Mila ?

Pour vous, pour un proche, pour un bébé de huit jours ou pour un adulte, contactez WordlBrit pour faire venir un Mohel n’importe où dans le globe

Need a Brith Milah ?

For yourself, a loved one, an eight-day-old baby or an adult, contact WordlBrit to bring a Mohel anywhere in the world.

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